Thursday, June 28, 2007

I Love Crows

This past few weeks have been unusually hectic, leaving me no time to myself. But I have noticed one really happy change since I last wrote.

For those who do not know, West Nile Virus has been decimating the crow population. I believe Washington, DC, where I live, may be the hardest hit as 90% of the crows have died. This is a full blown crow holocaust.

This has been really upsetting to me (as well as even more upsetting to the crows). I used to have two crows that lived in the tree right outside my window and they would wake me up really early every morning. And I would get mad at them and tell them to go away. And then one day, right when West Nile began to hit and I didn't even know about it yet, my crows weren't there in the morning and I got really worried about them. I think they probably died and I was so sad that I had been mad at the crows and I want them to come back. They can wake me up whenever they want.

Crows can live for a very long time and are extremely smart. I had not seen a single crow in the District for a couple of years, where they used to be all over the place. About a month and a half ago, I started trying to think information about West Nile Virus from my research towards the crows...or, more accurately, towards the spirit of "Crow" but mostly I have just been trying to intensely wish that the crows will be okay and safe from West Nile and come back to the District and flourish.

Since the last time I wrote, I have seen or heard four crows. This makes me so happy. I love crows. So, if anyone else sees this and wants to think good thoughts towards crows, that would be great. While you're at it, think good thoughts towards the bluebirds (also being hit by West Nile) and polar bears who need more ice.

This is an important polar bear picture that I want to print out and put by every light switch.
Polar Bear Picture

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